It has often been said that sex was repressed in the 19th century and death in the 20th. Can we reverse the wheel of history and cherish in our times the dreams, visions, beliefs, and rituals of our ancestors that paid homage to the afterlife? They spared no means in erecting visible signs of a continued presence of the dead among the living. The vast burial mounds of Neolithic culture, the great pyramids of Egypt, the wooden stretchers of Native Americans were visible signs and tangible embodiments of a continuous universe, inspiring great works of art that survived the ravages of time. It is much harder to find signs of the dead in today’s high-rise edifices of corporate society, five star hotels or temples of consumption. We need to hold on to our dreams and visions of an afterlife, even if our cultural environment remains skeptical.
In this seminar on the afterlife John Hill explores the great traditions that preserved not only a living memory of the dead, but also succeeded in making the afterlife tangible and credible. He presents contemporary dreams and visions that have kept alive those earlier practices and gives examples from his own life and from his practice. He believes that we need a much more open and imaginative approach to life after life. Hopefully the seminar will succeed in bringing to consciousness what Jung implied in the following quote:
A man should be able to say he has done his best to form a conception of life after death, or to create some image of it – even if he must confess his failure. Not to have done so is a vital loss. For the question that is posed to him is the age-old heritage of humanity: an archetype, rich in secret life, which seeks to add itself to our own individual life in order to make it whole. C. G. Jung, , Memories, Dreams, Reflections. (New York: Vintage, [1961]1963), p. 329.
The Asheville Jung Center is a National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) – Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC – approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible of all aspects of the program. (Provider # 6594)
John Hill, M.A. was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1943. He received his degrees in philosophy at the University of Dublin and the Catholic University of America. He trained at the C.G. Jung Institute – Zürich and has practiced as a Jungian analyst since 1973. He became a training analyst of the C.G. Jung Institute in 1981 and was a member of the selection committee for twenty years. Together with many colleagues, including Dr. Stein, he participated in the founding of a new training institute under the jurisdiction of AGAP in 2004. He is currently a training analyst at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland (ISAP Zurich).
Murray Stein, Ph.D. is a training analyst and president of the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland (ISAP Zurich). He is the author of The Principle of Individuation and many other books and articles in the field of Jungian Psychoanalysis. He is a founding member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and Chicago Society of Jungian Analysts. From 2001 to 2004 he was president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology. He is a highly sought after international lecturer and presently makes his home in Switzerland.
Learning Objectives:
- Demonstrate an appraisal of cultures that honor the afterlife.
- Explain how rituals enhance the significance of an afterlife.
- Discuss how to overcome age-old fears concerning life after death.
Outline of Talk:
- Introductions by Murray Stein
- Presentation by John Hill
- Presenters take questions from the audience
NBCC Details
Target Audience: MFTs, LCSWs, LPC’s, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Counselors, Therapists and others wishing to gain a deeper understanding of Jungian Psychology
Continuing Education Course Schedule: 1. View video seminar 2. Review supplemental material (if present) 3. Take post-seminar exam 4. Fill out evaluation survey
Instructional level for Counselors, Social Workers and Psychologists: Intermediate Practitioner
Course Delivery Format: All Asheville Jung Center lectures are primarily online seminars and are essentially Non-Interactive except for email communication with us.
Course Completion Requirements: In order to receive CE credit for this course, participants must: pay the appropriate CE fee, view the entire seminar, review any supplementary materials if appropriate, complete a course evaluation (on line), and pass a brief online examination on the material. Certificates can be downloaded immediately after passing the exam. All CE recipients must attest that the name and license number on the certificate matches the person completing the materials.
Commercial Support for CE Seminar: None
Approval Information by Jurisdiction: Asheville Jung Center seminars often have participants from across the United States as well as 50 other countries. Seminars are approved for continuing education by , the National Board of Certified Counselors. Please consult your state’s licensing board to verify that you may use these credits professionally.
Deadline for Cancellations or Refunds: Please request any cancellations for refunds at least 24 hours prior to a seminar being presented for the first time. Refunds for seminars that have already occurred and access has been already granted cannot be accepted unless there is a technical or other superseding problem with it. Contact us at
ADA Accommodations: Asheville Jung Center seminars may be viewed from any home computer with appropriate internet access. If you have a disability that would interfere with your viewing a seminar on your computer, please contact us and we can look at all available formats.
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